ISO 9241: What it Costs

This table shows the price of each part of ISO 9241 as at July, 2003. For more up-to-date prices, get the eBook version of ISO 9241 for Beginners. The prices in Swiss Francs were taken from ISO’s web site. The prices have been translated into Euros, UK Pounds and US Dollars at the rate of exchange valid at the time this page was published and are now out of date.

Clicking on the links in the table will take you to the relevant ordering page for that part of ISO 9241 on the ISO web site. (These are standard links: we do not receive a referral fee).

Cost of the Parts of ISO 9241
Part Swiss Francs Euro UK £ US $
ISO 9241-1 SFr52 €33.80 £23.92 $37.96
ISO 9241-1 Amd 1 SFr15 €9.75 £6.90 $10.95
ISO 9241-2 SFr40 €26.00 £18.40 $29.20
ISO 9241-3 SFr108 €70.20 £49.68 $78.84
ISO 9241-3 Amd 1 SFr15 €9.75 £6.90 $10.95
ISO 9241-4 SFr108 €70.20 £49.68 $78.84
ISO 9241-5 SFr102 €66.30 £46.92 $74.46
ISO 9241-6 SFr114 €74.10 £52.44 $83.22
ISO 9241-7 SFr114 €74.10 £52.44 $83.22
ISO 9241-8 SFr108 €70.20 £49.68 $78.84
ISO 9241-9 SFr140 €91.00 £64.40 $102.20
ISO 9241-110 SFr65 €42.25 £29.90 $47.45
ISO 9241-11 SFr95 €61.75 £43.70 $69.35
ISO 9241-12 SFr140 €91.00 £64.40 $102.20
ISO 9241-13 SFr114 €74.10 £52.44 $83.22
ISO 9241-14 SFr148 €96.20 £68.08 $108.04
ISO 9241-15 SFr108 €70.20 £49.68 $78.84
ISO 9241-16 SFr114 €74.10 £52.44 $83.22
ISO 9241-17 SFr120 €78.00 £55.20 $87.60
Total Cost SFr1,820 €1,183.00 £837.20 $1328.60

Note: this page is a few editions behind the eBook and is out-of-date. For the very latest on ISO 9241 get the eBook version of ISO 9241 for Beginners.

ISO 9241 for Beginners

Do you need a more up-to-date version of this guide? Do you need a version formatted for printing? Would you like a searchable version of this document on your own computer? Download the ISO 9241 eBook.

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